Mengapa aku sebut "ROTIBOY WANNABE" ? :D Karena menurutku ini memang belum mirip ya teman-teman ^_^ Terutama untuk bagian toppingnya ... setelah beberapa jam keluar dari oven, topping akan menjadi lembek dan lengket ( ini salah saya yang nggak ahli atau memang begini ya :P ) juga nggak setebal punya brand yang asli. Selain itu, rasa roti manisnya sendiri kurang gurih gitu lho ! Keunggulan metode "TANG ZHONG" ini adalah tekstur roti yang lembut walaupun tanpa menggunakan "BREAD EMULSIFIER". Karena resep ini menggunakan sedikit telur dan sedikit butter dibanding roti manis yang biasa saya buat dengan "STRAIGHT DOUGH METHOD", jadi di lidah saya agak anyep hehehe muncul lagi deh bahasa Jowonya ... kurang berasa susu gitu. Resepnya saya ambil dari
sini, cuman diubah sedikit saja bagian toppingnya agar lebih terasa aroma kopinya.
Coffee Cookie Buns
(makes 10)
tang zhong (water-roux):
25g bread flour
125ml water
bread dough:
210g bread flour
56g cake flour
20g milk powder
42g caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
6g instant yeast
30g egg, lightly beaten
85g water
84g tang zhong (water-roux)*
22g unsalted butter
50g unsalted butter
50g caster sugar
50g egg, lightly beaten
50g cake flour
1 1/2 teaspoons instant coffee powder (aku pakai 10gr, terlalu pahit tapi :D)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon warm water
to make topping:
* Dissolve instant coffee powder with the warm water, mix in vanilla extract. Set aside.
* Beat the butter with caster sugar, until light and fluffy. Add the
beaten egg one teaspoon at a time, beat well after each addition (add in
egg gradually to prevent the mixture from curdling). Add in the coffee
mixture gradually, beat well after each addition. Sieve over the cake
flour. Mix with a spatula until just combined. Transfer topping into
piping bag fixed with pipping nozzle (round tip). Let the topping chill
in the fridge until needed. Remove from fridge about 5~10mins earlier
before use to allow the topping to soften a little.
to make tang zhong:
* Place 25g bread flour in a saucepan. Add 125ml water, mix till smooth,
making sure there are no lumps of flour. Cook over medium to low heat,
stirring constantly with a hand whisk to prevent it from burning. Within
1 to 2 mins, the mixture will start to thicken, stop when you see
traces in the mixture for every stir you make with the hand whisk. The
65degC tang zhong is ready. Immediately transfer the hot tang zhong into
a bowl and cover it with a cling wrap, making sure the cling wrap
sticks onto the surface of the mixture. This is to prevent a film from
forming on the surface. Leave to cool completely before using it.
to knead dough by bread machine:
* Place water, egg, tang zhong (use 84g), sugar, salt, bread flour, cake
flour, milk powder in the pan of the bread machine (according to the
sequence as stated in the instruction manual of your bread machine).
Make an indentation on the flour and add in the instant yeast. Select
the Dough function of the bread machine and press start. Leave the lid
of the machine open (this is to prevent over heating). After about
10mins of kneading, add in the 22g of butter. Let the machine continue
to knead the dough. After the kneading cycle has stopped (20mins), Stop
and Restart the machine. Continue to let the machine knead for another
20mins. Remove dough from the bread pan. (Note: refer
this post for instructions on how to knead dough by hand.)
* Grease hands with some vegetable oil (this helps to prevent the dough
from sticking to your hands). Remove dough from bread machine. Shape
into a smooth round. Place dough in a lightly greased (use vegetable oil
or butter) mixing bowl, cover with cling wrap or a damp cloth and let
proof in room temperature (around 28 to 30 degC) for about one hour, or
until double in bulk.
* Remove the dough from the bowl and give a few light kneading to press
out the gas in the dough. Divide the dough into 10 equal portions (about
55g each). Roll each dough into smooth rounds and place on a greased
(or lined with parchment paper) baking tray. Space doughs two inches
apart to allow them to expand. Cover with damp cloth or cling wrap and
leave doughs to proof for the second time for about 30~40mins, or until
double in size.
* Pipe topping onto each dough. Make sure to cover the entire surface with the topping.
* Bake in pre-heated oven at 180 deg C for 15 mins or until golden
brown. Remove from oven and transfer to wire track to let cool. Once
cool, store immediately in an airtight container. Best served warm
(re-heat in oven if necessary before serving).
Kata Esther, ( nama yang punya blog Happy Home Baking ) dia nggak pake isian butter pas ini. Jadi isiannya ditambahin sendiri aja ya :) Jangan banyak-banyak isi butternya, soalnya punyaku kebanyakan ... jadinya sebagian meleleh keluar deh. Lagipula, bread doughnya kan nggak begitu lembab, jadi agak susah menyatu setelah diisi ... beda banget dengan yang biasa aku buat alias harus rapet-rapet nutupnya setelah diisi supaya nggak bocor.
Kayaknya lain kali harus beli Rotiboy 2 biji deh (buat dimakan sendiri) ... yang satu dimakan langsung, satu lagi dibiarkan beberapa lama (supaya tahu perbedaan wujud n rasanya). Ketahuan deh kalo jarang beli roti hehehe kan udah sering bikin sendiri :P Biasanya kalo beli ya pas jalan atau di airport aja. Selamat mencoba !